My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:


Portrait Picture Approved

As you know I'm a contributor to a stock photography site (Shutterstock) but I only submitted vector images and illustrations because I didn't know anything about photography.  I purchased a Canon 550D a few months back because I wanted to have my son use a good gadget for his photography subject and I thought about Shutterstock (maybe I could try submitting photos).  It's a way to justify my purchase of an expensive camera at a time when the company I'm working at is now temporarily closed. (sigh...) 

Oh well, so now after several rejections from shutterstock for my first photos, I finally got approved for the first time on a portrait photo of my daughter  Finally I managed to gain knowledge on the proper settings to have the best focus on a subject.  I was too lazy to read the instructions on the manual and this was what happened...

This is one of my rejected photos just using "Auto" settings.  It's a no,no for stock photography.
Image was not in focus and had poor lighting (exposure issues and incorrect white balance)

After much research on the internet (was still lazy reading the manual) and watching You Tube videos  about photography, this one finally got accepted...

Now I'm on my way to submitting more photos and my goal is to submit 1000 or more..hehe!  They say you can earn a six figure income by submitting photos for stock.  Well i'm trying, but for now they're still downloading my to add more photos.  

If you want to know more about stock photography, read this...

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